Featured Products
Each 100 gm contains:
Poultry (Therapeutic):
Poultry (Prophylactic):
For Veterinary Use Only
ہر 100 گرام میں شامل ہے:
مرغیوں کے لیے (علاجی خوراک):
مرغیوں کے لیے (احتیاطی خوراک):
بچھڑوں کے لیے:
صرف وٹرنری استعمال کے لیے
Effective for respiratory and gastrointestinal infections in poultry and calves.
Forbest International was founded with a focus on delivering high-quality services and products in the international market. With our deep industry knowledge, we are committed to offering innovative solutions that cater to the needs of our clients worldwide.
Flat No.3, 1st Floor, Sufyan Plazza, Street #2, Razzaq Valley Expressway, Islamabad
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